OK, so I had to comment on Michele Bachmann and this pledge she signed the other day. A conservative group in Iowa, wants candidates to sign a pledge promoting marriage. In the preamble to the pledge, it makes mention of African-American children being more likely to have a "home" with a mother and father during slavery in 1860, than in the present day. No surprise, Bachmann happily signs it. She comes back later to denounce said language in the preamble and saying “I did not see that language. That was not a part of the vow.”
First of all, I don't believe you, you need more people! Secondly, if you didn't see the language, that means you signed a document without reading it in it's entirety. That's never a good idea. That's just dumb. And this is the person at the head of the tea party? Third, white slave owners did everything they could to keep slaves from having families. Fathers were sold down the river, as were sons. Often times, slaves hid the fact that they got married so the master wouldn't send family members away. So slaves rarely had stable family units. It was only after slavery that Blacks were able to assemble stable family units for any extended period of time.
The really sad news is that she will have people defending her and praising her. This episode just shows that there is an overtly racist sect to the conservative contingency. I'm not saying they're all racist, but it seems that the ones who support Bachmann and other tea party members are. I'm sure the dems have plenty of racists in their party too. Most of them just aren't foolish enough to make their prejudices known, at least not to the masses.
Basically, no self-respecting Black American (or maybe just American, period) should cast a vote for Bachmann or any other tea party member. We gotta stand up! When will we see an end to the foolishness?
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